[Humans of SICA] Ho-Jin Suh: 나의 남은 날중에 오늘이 가장 젊기에
1. Please introduce yourself :)
Greetings! My name is Ho-Jin Suh, Sustainable Development and Cooperation major, Class of 15. I’m a self-proclaimed food lover (carbs especially), thriller movie addict, life traveller, and an optimist. I engage in positivity and chase after what keeps me happy. I’m currently working as a Program Assistant at World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), and I’m enjoying it to the fullest.

2. You are selected as the first interviewee of Humans of SICA. How do you feel?
I’m honored to be the first member of this relay. Thank you, SICA! I’m quite excited to see what other SICA members have in mind.
3. You were the vice president of the SICA last semester, so please explain what you have been doing!
Last semester, I was very lucky to serve as the Vice. The role of the Vice is to facilitate overall administration, plan for major events, lead weekly general sessions/meetings, and contact external institutions and invite speakers. As a fairly new academia (established last year), SICA has been going through a lot of major and minor changes. During the process, the burden and workload as an executive member is heavy, but definitely meaningful. So, if you’re willing to become part of the executive member, I suggest you’d be ready to focus only on SICA.

4. You've been with the SICA for quite a long time, so why did you get into it this long?
In the beginning, I didn’t think I would dedicate myself in SICA for 3 semesters. “Social innovation” was a fresh concept, and it was a “blue ocean” for many of us. As a student learning in the sustainable development field, I was always interested in the “social” aspects, so this provided me the opportunity to think about the “innovation” parts. What can I do to bring socially innovative changes to society? In addition to the academics, I was able to develop my personal characteristics. The people around me gave me inspirations, and each one of us had the uniqueness needed for SICA. These were some of the reasons why I enjoyed being part of SICA and kept going. I’d like to give special thanks to everyone who influenced me in any form.
5. What are your hobbies or interests? Why did you start the activity?
In my spare time, I love watching movies. Without hesitation, my favorite genre is thriller movies. My second favorite would be philosophical movies-the ones that throw a bunch of questions about life. “About Time” is a must-watch!
6. What is your own definition of Social Innovation?
I define social innovation as “new, effective, and sustainable ideas that meet shifting social demands.”
7. What is the most interesting case of Social innovation among the things you've seen?
An example I thought was fascinating was S-OIL’s “Here Balloon” campaign. It tackled the limited outdoors car parking space as well as the oil issues in Korea. The campaign didn’t require much costly materials, which is an essential component for a project to be sustainable. It was interesting to see that the company used balloons to tackle multiple problems that rise from car parking.

8. Do you have a favorite saying or motto?
“나의 남은 날중에 오늘이 가장 젊기에” is a phrase that I live with. It gives me enough inspiration to start anything while I’m still young, living my youth. People tend to overlook the strength of their youths, but I think it’s important to make mistakes and act foolish while you’re still young.. and it’ll be something to smile about when you’re older.
9. This campaign is a relay. Please select the person to interview next.
Next, I would like to nominate 도연, who is probably enjoying her time in Canada. I think she would have some special affection for this new PR Department’s project. Good luck! :)
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