The European Innovation Council’s Innovator’s Summit (EIC) in Berlin, selected three European startups, all first-movers in their sectors stood out for their innovative approach to problem solving. The article introduces three startups, who won their respective categories with TGo, winning the final found.
The first startup is ‘Genomic Expression’, founded by Dr.Gitte Pedersen and her brother, Morten, which was inspired by the loss of their mother from bladder cancer. The two scientists are driven by the need for better detection and treatment methods. The Pedersen are working to replace current invasive and uncomfortable procedures with simple urine test that could not only screen for disease but also help doctors choose the most appropriate and effective treatment for each patient. To be more specific, Genomic Expression’s patented technology filters urine, selecting and testing bladder tumor cells for a series of biomarkers that indicate the presence of cancer.
The second startup is ‘TGo’, founded by CEO Ming Kong and James Dyson, which is a touch-based, human-machine interface, a platform technology that can use just one smart material to sense human touch without electronic sensors. The new technology produces three-dimensional, intuitive controls and aims to replace multiple products using conventional controls, such as trackapds. TGO targets to shift users from using a 2D control to access objects in 3D, to a soft, flexible 3D control for on-screen movement using one, uniform touch-sensitive material detecting a diverse range of different hand movement. This is also environmentally friendly, ergonomic, and intuitive as it senses a greater range of touch motions than traditional electronic devices.
The last start-up is “Fresh Detect”, founded by Oliver Dietrich and his colleagues, which develops and markets innovative measurement instruments and solutions for fast and reliable quality control for the food industry. Fresh Detect is monitoring and metric tool that determines the presence of food bacteria in raw meat within seconds. It is claimed that Fresh Detect is the first and only handheld lab device to measure the microbiological quality of food with precise, on-the-spot, total plate counts and conclusions accessible through every stage of handling. The goal is to achieve broader test coverage and increase consumer safety through the handling chain through portable devices.